
Although long track speedskating is an individual sport, no one faces a race alone.

Skaters step to the starting line with all the people who have helped & believed in them running through their body as powerfully as the blood in their veins.

In a sport measured by tenths of seconds, many of my tenths are directly owed to these amazing people. I owe every one of them a HUGE thank you.

My wife Jessica

Mom & Dad

My brother David

The many fine coaches I have worked with: Pat Kelly, Dave Cruickshanks, Boris Leikin, Rex Albertson, & Scott Koons.

Peg & Lore




Evan & Susan

Kirk & Beth & Dane & Eliza

Chris & Varya


The excellent national team & aspiring national team skaters I have trained with.

Especially: Joey Cheek, Kip Carpenter, Marc Pelchat, & Chad Hedrick.

& the infamous lightning rod "Eva Rodansky"

Its important to occasionally look down the mountain while climbing, to see the view of how far one has come.

Its also important to look up, and see how much higher it is still possible to go. When I look up, I see this elite bunch of very serious, very hardworking, and very friendly people, and they all inspire me as to what is possible.


I spend more of my life in the real world than in the online one. So why does this site exist? :

  • I feel like standing on a rooftop and shouting "THANKS!!". As a web designer, this is my rooftop. I am blessed with a wife, family, and friends who encourage me every step of the way.
  • I have several sponsors who have helped me considerably, Skate wizard John Dimon at Dimon Sports, and Frank Day at PowerCranks .

    These are not just "sponsors" they are great people who run terrific businesses. I am humbled by their support.


Am I sacrificing privacy with a public website? Will I attract crazy people?

Possibly, but if you are listed in the phone book, or in a company directory, people can & will find you. I think its better to be in plain view with your essential humanity visible.