
If there is something here that inspires a smile, a thought, or a "hmmmm, cool" then I consider this site to be time well spent.

My life changed in 43.84 seconds on January 5th, 2002. That moment led directly to you reading these words.

Latest Updates:

There are really 2 distinct sections of this website, the real action is on my Blog, I post regularly and average 591 visitors a day from all over the world, and am on track for a half-million page views this year.

Stop on by, say hello, join the crazy community of skaters/family/odd souls on the blog.

I rarely update this main part anymore, mainly it exists as a place for my professional design portfolio, and an archive of writing I did before I started blogging.

If you want to contact me, please do write! I love to hear from people who enjoy my online work. I can't quite wrap my mind around the numbers I see in my web-stats, however, I can understand the good people I meet.

email: spdsk88er (at) yahoo (dot) com



The primary categories in this site, and what exists in each of them

Home - You are here right now.

Blog - Blogging is a tremendous vehicle for self-expression, news, analysis, weirdness, and everything else under the sun.

I started Zen & the Art of Speedskating in february of 2005. I just wanted to write to my friends & family about my experiences leading up to Olympic Trials.

Along the way, the world showed up. I never intended that to happen. I spend a lot of time writing, and it's wonderful to have met so many people because of it.

Thanks - No one steps to the staring line in a race alone, here are a few of the people I am blessed to have in my life.

Video - Over 65,000 people have watched videos I have shot with my cheap handheld camera!

Novels - Long before I started blogging, I used to write long emails to friends & family describing my speedskating experiences.

I seriously debated deleting this early stuff, as it's not up to my current standards. But sometimes it's interesting to see where a writer has come from.

Web Design - Need a good designer with a killer work ethic? This page has my portfolio, as well as comments from my clients.